Cold Weather
Orientation Course (CWOC)
The Cold Weather Orientation Course familiarizes commanders and staff officers with the knowledge/skills required to successfully plan and conduct operations in a cold, snow-covered environment. Emphasis is placed on the effects of cold on personnel and material, effects of the winter environment on operations, and planning considerations unique to the winter battlefield and cold regions. Cold weather risk-management procedures are stressed throughout the course of instruction. This course is both physically and mentally difficult with extremes of cold, wind, and deep snow with extended periods of darkness and isolation. Dismounted movements of approximately 8k will take place in the environment described. Soldiers successfully completing the CWOC will understand the requirements to supervise Cold Weather Indoctrination and Certification (CWIC) tasks as per 11th Airborne Division Regulation 350-1.

Cold Weather
Leader Course (CWLC)
The Cold Weather Leaders Course trains squad and platoon-level leaders in the knowledge/skills required to successfully conduct small unit operations in a cold, snow-covered environment. Emphasis is placed on the effects of cold on personnel and materiel, use of basic cold weather clothing and equipment, winter field craft, snowshoe/ski techniques and winter/cold regions navigation and route planning. Attendees will receive comprehensive instruction /training materials enabling them to implement basic cold weather and ski training programs within their units. Cold weather risk management procedures are stressed throughout the course of instruction. This course is both physically and mentally difficult with extremes of cold, wind and deep snow with extended periods of darkness and isolation. Dismounted movements of approximately 10k will take place in the environment described. Soldiers successfully completing the CWLC are the trainers for Cold Weather Indoctrination and Certification (CWIC) tasks as per 11th Airborne Division Regulation 350-1.

Isolation Survival in
Cold Regions Course (ISCRC)
This course trains personnel who are high risk of being isolated in an extreme cold, snow-covered environment. Emphasis is placed on the effects of cold on personnel and materiel, use of basic cold weather clothing and equipment, winter field craft, snowshoe techniques, and winter/cold regions navigation and route planning. Attendees will receive comprehensive instruction/training materials enabling them to implement basic, cold-weather programs within their units. Cold weather risk management procedures are stressed throughout the course. Isolation Survival Tasks to include but not limited to Code of Conduct, evasion, ground to air signaling, expedient shelter and fire construction and expedient sustenance procurement. This course is both physically and mentally difficult with extremes of cold, wind and deep snow with extended periods of darkness and isolation. Dismounted movements of approximately 10k will take place in the environment described. This course is not listed in ATRRS.

Basic Military
Mountaineering Course (BMMC)
The Basic Military Mountaineering Course trains selected Soldiers in the fundamental knowledge/skills required to successfully conduct small unit operations in typical, mountainous terrain found throughout the world. Emphasis is placed on developing the Level 1 mountaineering tasks described in TC 3-97.61, appendix A. After successful completion of the BMMC, Soldiers are awarded Special Qualification Identifier (SQI) "E", Military Mountaineer IAW DA Pamphlet 611-21.
Packing List: Military Mountaineering Packing List

Advanced Military
Mountaineering Course (AMMC)
The Advanced Military Mountaineering Course trains Soldiers in the knowledge/skills required to lead small units/teams over technically difficult, hazardous or Class 4 and 5 mountainous terrain during summer months. Emphasis is placed on developing the Level 2 mountaineering tasks described in TC 3-97.61, appendix A. The course is intended for units or individuals who will conduct operations in mountainous terrain and must operate independently of major units or organizations.
Packing List: Military Mountaineering Packing List