Home : Units : 1st Infantry Brigade : 25th Brigade Support Battalion

25th Brigade Support Battalion

Opahey Shared Vision:

The Opahey Battalion is the Army’s premier Arctic sustainment formation comprised of highly trained, cohesive, and adaptive teams ready to enable the Arctic Wolves’ reach, endurance, and freedom of action in extreme cold weather environments and mountainous terrain.

LTC Ryan T. Steuer received his commission in the Quartermaster Corps from the University of Dayton in 2006. 

His military education includes the Quartermaster Officer Basic course, the Combined Logistics Captains Career Course, and the Command and General Staff College.

LTC Steuer’s initial assignment was with the 101st Sustainment Brigade, 129th CSSB at Fort Campbell, KY.  He served as the SSA Platoon Leader for 305th QM Co., XO for 227th QM Co., and Convoy Security Platoon Leader 305th QM Co., while deployed in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.

In 2010 LTC Steuer assumed Command of the Fox Forward Support Company, 3-509th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade 25th Infantry Division deploying the company in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.  Then in 2014 while assigned to the 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command he served as a Retrograde, Reset, Redistribution, Redeployment and Disposal (R4D) officer in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM as it transitioned to Operation FREEDOM SENTINEL.

As a Major, LTC Steuer served as the Brigade Logistics Officer (S4), 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division and deployed in support of Operation ATLANTIC RESOLVE.  Upon returning LTC Steuer served as the Brigade Executive Officer, 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division.  In 2019 he transitioned to 1st Cavalry Division G4, serving as a Logistics Officer. 

Most recently LTC Steuer finished a joint tour with the Defense Logistics Agency, Land Customer Operations. 

His military awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (One Oak Leaf Cluster), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (One Oak Leaf Cluster), Army Commendation Medal (Three Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Achievement Medal (One Oak Leaf Clusters), Meritorious Unit Citation, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Iraq Campaign Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, NATO Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon (Numeral Four), Parachutist badge, Air Assault badge, Pathfinder badge, and the Combat Action Badge.  He is a recipient of the Quartermaster Order of Saint Martin Medal.

LTC Steuer is married to his wife Michelle of 13 years and they have two children, daughter, Delaney (10) and son, Wesley (8).

LTC Steuer

CSM Laurence E. Gardiner II enlisted on 18 December 1990. In 1991, he completed Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson, SC and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gordon, GA as a Multichannel Systems Operator. Honorably discharged in 1995, he reenlisted in 2005, completing BCT again at Fort Knox, KY, and AIT at Redstone Arsenal, AL as an Avenger Maintainer, MOS 94T.

CSM Gardiner has served in leadership positions in Acquisition, Air Defense, Armor, Infantry, Signal, Sustainment, and TRADOC units as a Team Leader, Senior/Drill Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, First Sergeant, and Sergeant Major. His assignments include Fort Bragg, NC; Fort Bliss, TX; Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA; Redstone Arsenal, AL; Fort Lee, VA; Germany, South Korea and has deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

CSM Gardiner’s military education includes the Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officer Course and all levels of the Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System. He is a graduate of the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy Class 71 and the University of Southern Maine, earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Political Science.

His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Achievement Medal (2 Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Commendation Medal (5 Oak Leaf Clusters), Army Achievement Medal (5 Oak Leaf Clusters), Airborne Badge, Air Assault Badge, Army Drill Sergeant Badge, the German Army Marksmanship Badge (Schützenschnur, Silver) and the Ordnance Corps Order of Samuel Sharpe.

CSM Gardiner

Photo of CSM Gardiner