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Fort Wainwright JBER General Info

General Information and Frequently Asked Questions

Traveling to Alaska

Whether you're flying, driving or coming by the Alaska Marine Highway, it's useful to check the Department of Homeland Security official page on Crossing US Borders. Additionally, there may be restrictions on traveling through Canada; for those, please check here.

Depending on the time of year, conditions in Alaska and Canada may make travel difficult. For Alaska, please check Alaska 511. For Canada, please check Yukon 511 or DriveBC.

Medical Information

Depending on your location and status, you may receive healthcare from one of several places;

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I request a sponsor?
A: go to https://actnow.army.mil/.

Q: How do I find out about the conditions and drving to Alaska?
A: First get in touch with your sponsor. The following links may also be helpful:
Crossing US Borders
COVID-19 and Canada Travel
Alaska 511
Yukon 511

Incoming Soldier - JBER

Reporting and In-processing

Anchorage International Airport - when you arrive and get your bags, look for the “Atwood Lounge” (ASYMCA Military Lounge) inside the airport from which you can call In-processing, at 907-384-1906. In-processing personnel will usually be able to pick you up within an hour depending on personnel and/or weather. While you can hire a taxi at an average cost of $40-$60 and request reimbursement when you do the finance portion of your in-processing, this is not the preferred means for new Soldiers.

Lodging / Billeting

Make reservations with JBER-Richardson side of post (closest to your duty station) at DSN 317-384-5660; Commercial 907-384-5660. Additional lodging is available at JBER-Elmendorf Northstar Inn, http://www.elmendorf-richardson.com/northstarinn, 907-552-2454.

Barracks rooms are available for Soldiers ranks E-1 through E-5 traveling without dependents. Soldiers ranking E-6 through E-9, O-1 through O-6, and WO-1 through WO-5 must make reservations with the numbers listed above.

To check the status of on-post housing availability, contact the JBER Housing Office at 907-384-3907 or DSN 317-384-3907. The JBER-Richardson Housing Office is located in the Welcome Center, Building 600, on the corner of Richardson Drive and Fifth Street, across the street from the Post Theater.

Incoming Soldier - Fort Wainwright

Reporting and In-processing

At the Visitor Center, request a map and sk for directions to the Fort Wainwright Welcome Center, which is located at Building 3401, Santiago Avenue - where you must sign in with Military Personnel Division. Makesure you have a copy of your orders and leave form.

Welcome Center contact number: 907-353-2273.

Lodging / Billeting

E-5 and below unaccompaniedSoldiers will reside in Ft Wainwright Garrison Replacement Detachment Barracks(Bldg 3401). E-6 and above and those accompaniedwith Family Members should make temporary housing arrangements before theyreport to Ft Wainwright. Housing and lodging in the Ft Wainwright area is very tight. Ensuring you have a pre arranged place tostay is a near must for non barracks Soldiers. The IHG is next to the Welcome Center, and it is the most convenientplace to stay during in-processing.

Fort Wainwright has more than 1,500 Privatized Housing Units located on post. Please visit North Haven Communities at http://www.nhcalaska.com/". To check the status of on-post housing availability or more information, contact the North Haven Housing Office at 907-356-1883/1882/1881.

Please make sure you stop by the Housing Office before signing a lease. When signing documents, ensure there is a military clause in your lease agreement or bring it by the legal office in the Welcome Center. A military clause allows you a legal avenue to break your lease if you need to relocate for a permanent change of station or deployment.

Childcare and Schools

SLO: The School Liaison Office (SLO) assists Fort Richardson families living both on and off post. The SLO can assist you in locating points of contact in the schools and makes appropriate referrals. For more information call the Fort Richardson School Liaison Office (907)384-1505.

Child Care: Contact (907)384-0686 to reach central registration. There are 4 childcare facilities.

Elementary: There are five elementary schools on post that are a part of the Anchorage School District. They cover kindergarten through sixth grade.

Middle and High School: There are no middle or high schools on JBER.

Visit http://www.asdk12.org for information regarding school districts in Anchorage and http://www.matsuk12.us for the Mat-Su Valley. Palmer and Wasilla are a one hour commute from JBER.



Reception North

Address: Bldg. 3401, Santiago Ave,
Fort Wainwright, Alaska

Telephone: 1-907-353-2273


Reception South

BLDG 55, Basement
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska

Telephone: 1-907-903-4281


Telephone: 907-384-8001
